BYLAWS (Parliamentarian)
Oversees a bi-annual review of the Bylaws and Standing Rules and recommends any changes in February of even-numbered years for March vote in accordance with the Bylaws
This committee, which includes the President and First Vice President, oversees annual budget preparations for the next fiscal year in accordance with the Bylaws. A proposed budget is presented to the board and members in February. In March the board and the members will vote to approve the final annual budget.
HISTORIAN (Recording Secretary)
Documents the history of PLGC by collecting programs, photos and other mementos of club activities for the club record.
MEMBERSHIP (Second Vice President)
Acts as a liaison with prospective embers, oversees the process of becoming a new member, maintains membership records (media release, contact information, meeting attendance and participation on committees). This committee will periodically conduct an Open House event or Membership Drive to enlist new members.
NOMINATION (Parliamentarian), Oversees the Biennial nominating process and proposes a slate of officers to the board and members in February of odd-numbered years for a March vote.
PROGRAMS (First Vice President), Follows the guidelines of NGC, CAR-SGC and DFGC to plan and implement programs and activities that promote how gardening, community beautification, floral design, horticulture, conservation, and other topics of interest to members. Maintains a permanent record of program information.
WAYS AND MEANS Conducts fundraising activities that promote PLGC objectives and provide revenue for community service projects, donations to other organizations, and expenses that have received advance approval by a majority vote of the board. All funds collected by this committee are the property of the club and shall be conveyed only to the treasurer immediately upon completion of the fundraising activity. A detailed written report on any fundraising activity shall be provided at the next board meeting following any event